About Me

Hey! My name is Bethany. I was Bethany, I am Bethany and I will always be me in ALL ways. I’m an eighteen year-old up and coming artist from Long Island, NY. I find inspiration in artists like Tyler Joseph of Twenty One Pilots, Paul McCartney, Elton John and Frank Sinatra. My goal is to make authentic music that speaks to people, while staying true to myself as an individual. Growing up, I always had an extremely intense love for music. I grew up on my parents playing Bruce Springsteen, The Beatles and other classics. In middle school, I fell in love with Twenty One Pilots. Seeing Tyler Joseph play a ukulele inspired me to pick up one of my own. From there, I started to write my own music. In my freshman year of high school, right before the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, I bought my first guitar. Throughout high school I learned just about every Beatle’s song on guitar and posted covers on TikTok. I gained a small following, motivating me to post my original music. In March 2024, I released my first single, “A Little”. I currently have three singles out now, and I have so much music of so many genres stored inside my head, waiting to be let out. I hope you stick around for my journey, it’s going to be a good one:)